After embarassing all my friends in Master's Praise, I figured I'd slam myself for your enjoyment. (Note the tight-rolled suit pants, and the rolled up sleeves on the wanna-be basketball jersey) Thanks Jane.
It was truly my pleasure to provide you, and in turn , the blogging world with these priceless, and yes, humiliating, photos :-). My personal favorites? Little wagon wheel boy (sportin' the bow tie at age two. A sign that greatness would follow) and "cheeks Garlow".
Like, oh - mah - GAWD! You are totally rad.
Well, I think the whole Master's praise is small hat to what you posted. Showing naked pictures and pegged pants-WOW! Talk to you later!
It was truly my pleasure to provide you, and in turn , the blogging world with these priceless, and yes, humiliating, photos :-). My personal favorites? Little wagon wheel boy (sportin' the bow tie at age two. A sign that greatness would follow) and "cheeks Garlow".
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